Surviving COVID-19: The Mental Health Edition

Let’s be honest- regardless of where you stand on how people are reacting to this- it has been a very stressful experience so far. From overall anxiety about health issues to childcare to financial insecurity to possibly running out of toilet paper- we have seen some extreme behaviors in the last several weeks. Accept it- … Continue reading Surviving COVID-19: The Mental Health Edition

Safety planning to stay sane

Relationships change. Boundaries change.  One of the “problems” with setting boundaries is that sometimes we end up losing relationships that were part of our support system. Our sanctuary changes and it feels uncomfortable -- because it’s hard to understand or accept the shifts in those relationships. It is a very painful experience, but a necessary … Continue reading Safety planning to stay sane

Coping with Anger

How do you define anger? When I ask my clients “what is anger”, most talk about the violent aspect they have witnessed. According to the American Psychological Association, “Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong.” So basically, it’s resentment or hostility you have toward … Continue reading Coping with Anger

How to afford therapy

We talked about why therapy is important and thoughts and behavior cycles that may prevent us from going to therapy, but financial responsibilities may prevent us from getting the mental health services that we need. Let’s discuss some of the options that may be available to you to help you get the mental health treatment … Continue reading How to afford therapy

Are you even allowed to have a mental illness?

You have a great life. You love your career. Your relationship with your parents has improved tremendously. You are in a good place romantically. But you still struggle with anxiety. You repeat the mantra you grew up with: “there are so many others who have it much worse than you; be thankful for what you … Continue reading Are you even allowed to have a mental illness?

Practicing Mindfulness

Let’s face it- WE are busy.  We are a generation of extremely busy individuals who appear to take pride in working ourselves to the point of exhaustion and burnout.  We complain about how overwhelmed we are but we also avoid activities that allow us to take a step back and enjoy our present moment.  We … Continue reading Practicing Mindfulness

Dealing with rejection

How many times in your life have you heard the word “no”? How many times have you said “no” to someone else? Even yourself? Does that mean you are not enough? Does that mean that someone else was unworthy? In this instance, the answer is a resounding “NO.” There are many types of rejection that … Continue reading Dealing with rejection

When decisions conflict

We all make numerous decisions every single day- from what to wear to what to eat for lunch. Early on, we become experts at decision-making such that, generally, small decisions are no longer mentally taxing. However, making a large life decision can be anxiety-inducing and cause tension in our relationships. Humans are incredibly complicated creatures. … Continue reading When decisions conflict

What is Mental Health?

Let’s start today with a pop quiz. What is Mental Health? a)    Understanding what mental issues we struggle with. b)    Understanding our overall well-being. c)     A diagnosis so we can get help from insurance. d)    Everyone is just crazy! If you answered B, you are correct! Mental health is so much more than just understanding … Continue reading What is Mental Health?

Impact of social media in our lives

Is social media really the reason we are not as connected to each other anymore? Is it the reason we have poor postures? Is media the reason we believe what we believe or is it lack of communication and our fear of rejection that is really creating this disconnect? How often have you found yourself … Continue reading Impact of social media in our lives